Title: Inhumation
Chapter 1: Initiation

A young girl wearing black robes stand amongst three shadowy figures.

Panel 1:
The moon shines behind a suburban house.

Panels 2 and 3:
The figure of a girl can be seen packing a backpack

Panels 4 and 5:
The girl removes a cloak from a peg on the wall and packs it into her backpack.

Panel 1:
The girl stands with her backpack.
Panel 2:
She sullenly descends the stairs from her room.

Panel 3:
She reaches for the doorknob of the front door.

Panel 4:
Just as she is about to leave, she’s stopped by her mother.
Mom: "Hey Sweetie, where are you going?"
We see the girl clearly for the first time, she is a teen wearing a black crop top and skirt. She has numerous piercings and facial tattoos. She has multicolored hair styled into voluminous spikes. She glares defiantly back at her mother.

Panel 1:
Kame answers her mom without turning to look at her.
Kame: "… Out."

Panel 2:
Mom: "'Out' where?"

Panel 3:
Kame looks over her shoulder.
Kame: "Just out"

Panel 3:
Her father, who is sitting in an adjacent room reading a newspaper, chimes in.
Dad: "That's not a good enough answer, young lady. We want to know where you're going and with who."

Panel 4:
Kame sticks her head into the room, glaring angrily at her dad.
Kame: "With my friends, and it's none of your business where we go?"
Her mother looks shocked.
Mom: "Dear!"

Her father returns the glare from his chair.
Dad: "I'm your father, so it damn well is my business."

Panel 1:
Kame’s father stands angrily and approaches Kame. Kame slouches defiantly in the shadows.
Dad: “And as for those ‘friends’ of yours-”
Kame’s mother puts her arm in front of her husband in an attempt to calm him down.
Mom: “Honey, don’t shout.”

Panel 2:
Mom: “Kame, what your father means is that we’re just a little concerned the people you’ve been associating with might not be the best influence on you.”

Panel 3:
Kame, now in full Defiant Teen mode, shouts at Dad.
Kame: “You don’t even know them, so you can just stay out of it!”
Her father, now in full Angry Dad mode, points accusingly at Kame.
Dad: “I know they’re not the kind of people I want my daughter hanging out with.”

Panel 4:
Kame (Shouting): “I don’t really care what you want.”

Dad (Also Shouting): “Well, i’m the adult so you better start caring!”

Panel 1:
A close up of Kame’s face as she glares at her father.
Dad: “I heard that kid Steve you’re always hanging out with got arrested on drug charges.”

Panel 2:
Dad, hands on his hips, berrates Kame who continues to glare at him defiantly.
Dad: “And another one of your friends was caught spray painting satanic symbols on school property. Do you honestly think those are good people to be associating with.”

Panel 3:
Kame is seen silhouetted through a fish tank that sits in the corner of the room.
Kame: “They’re my friends, not yours! So it doesn’t matter if you like what they do or not!”

Panel 4:
Dad’s fist angrily clenches his newspaper.
Dad: “Don’t take that tone with me!”

Panel 5:
Kame’s fist angrily clenches her backpack strap.
Kame: “I’ll take whatever tone I want!”

Panel 6:
Mom, becoming increasingly distraught by all the shouting, tries to vainly to deescalate the argument.
Mom: “Please don’t shout at each other!”

Panel 1:
Mom continues to try and calm the situation down.
Mom: “We’d just like it if you’d start hanging out with some normal people.”

Panel 2:
Kame is having none of it.
Kame: “Yeah, let’s all be fucking ‘normal’”

Panel 3:
Dad is having none of Kames sass.
Dad: “Don’t use that language in this house!”

Panel 4:
Kame: “Fine, I’ll go use it somewhere else.”

Panel 5:
Kame storms out of the house, Dad shouting after her.
Dad: “Kame! Kame, get back here right now!”

Panel 6:
Dad follows her out onto the porch, but Kame is long gone.
Dad: “Kame! …”

Panel 1:
Sometime later, a group of robed figures gathers around a bonfire in the pitch black woods.

Panel 2:
Kame and a second girl stand on either side of a taller boy behind a crude alter

Panel 3:
Kame stands watching the proceedings while her companion, another teenage girl with a face tattoo age stands holding a chicken. The chicken struggles nervously in her grip.
Chicken: “Cluck Bwa-ack”

Panel 1:
The cultist dance around the fire chanting.
Cultists: “Hoo-aaay Oh oooooooh-ho Hoo-aaay Oh oooooooh-ho Hoo-aaay Oh oooooooh-ho”

Panel 2:
The Leader raises his hand, signaling everyone to stop.
Leader: “Ho!”

Panel 3:
The fire crackles in the dark.
SF: “Fire crackling”

Panel 4:
The Leader raises his hands into the air to command everyone’s attention and speaks in a deep, serious voice.
Leader: “Children of the dark flame”

Panel 5:
Leader: “We gather here tonight to witness the initiation of two new members into the service of our dark lord.”
The other cultists listen to his words and chant in response.
Cultists: “Hoy-ah!”

Panel 6:
Vela, the girl holding the chicken, leans in to whisper to Kame.
Vela: “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Kame: “Shhh! You want to get in or not?”

Pane 1:
Vela looks down forlornly at the chicken in her arms.
Vela: “I just don’t think I can do this.”
Kame looks surprized.
Kame: “What? Why not?”

Panel 2:
Vela pats the chicken on its head affectionately.
Vela: “I don’t think I can kill a poor defenseless chicken.”

Panel 3:
Kame looks indignant at this statement.
Kame: “This from the girl who every time we go out to eat orders 30 hot wings.”
Vela hugs the chicken defensively.
Vela: “Shut up! That’s completely different!”

Panel 4:
The leader gestures towards Kame and Vela
Leader: “Pledges, approach the altar and begin the sacrifice.”

Panel 5:
Kame begins to approach the alter.
Kame: “Let’s go.”
Vela gives the chicken an apologetic look and also begins the approach.
Vela: “Sorry chicken.”
Chicken: “Buck buck”

Panel 1:
Kame and Vela approach the alter.

Panel 2 & 3:

The Leader hands Kame a small hatchet.

Panel 1:
The chicken starts to grow restless with all this activity.
Chicken: “Buck buck”
SF: “Rustling”

Panel 2:
It begins to flail more violently, surprising Vela who struggles to maintain her grip on it.
Chicken: “Buck BWAAAAAWK!:
Vela: “Ack-!”
SF: “Wings flapping”

Panel 3:
The chicken has a full on freak out, scratching at Vela and flapping it’s wings.
SF: “Wings flapping”
Vela recoils in surprise, shielding her face with her hands.
Vela: “Eeeeeeeeee!”

Panel 4:
Vela looks down at her now empty hands.
Vela: “…oops.”
Kame looks at her in exasperation.
Kame: “Nice.”

Panel 1:
The chicken runs off through the woods.
Chicken: “Buck buck bwaaak”
SF: “Bushes rustling”

Panel 2:
Kame chides Vela.
Kame: “Congratulations, you just had your ass handed to you by a chicken.”
Vela looks embarrassed.
Vela: “Does this mean we fail?”

Panel 3:
The cultist snicker at this pathetic display of chicken not-dropping.
SF: “Cultists Laughing”

Panel 4:
The Leader pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation, while Vela looks on sheepishly.
Leader: “God, this is why I hate pledges.”

Panel 5:
Leader: “Well, what are you waiting for? Go catch it. We have to finish the ceremony or you don’t get in.”

Panel 1:
Vela does not look thrilled at the thought of chasing a chicken through the woods in the middle of the night.
Vela: Uh, isn’t it a little dark right now? Maybe we should postpone this until next week.
Kame rolls her eyes at this.
Kame: “Sigh”

Panel 2:
Kame starts off into the woods to find the chicken herself.
Kame: “Fine, I’ll go catch it.”

Panel 3:
Vela chases after her.
Vela: “Kame, no, it’s too dark! Wait!

Panel 4:
Kame ignores velas pleas and continues off into the dark woods, getting further and further ahead of Vela, who struggles to keep up.
Vela: “Kame! Kame wait up!”